miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014

Game-like learning workshop takeaway ideas

Point 1. 
Game-like learning doesn't mean playing lots of games: it means seeing what's appealing about games and seeing how those concepts translate to the classroom.

What's a game? People suggested words like: FUN, RULES, REWARDS, COMPETITION, CHALLENGES.

We looked at Jane McGonigal's types of work:
  • High stakes: spelling bees, competitions that aren't for grades
  • Busy work: doing workbooks outside, with friends or with music in a relaxing atmosphere  
  • Mental work: puzzles and brain teasers
  • Physical work: scavenger hunts and running dictations
  • Discovery work: research, but not just looking for the first answer on Google.
  • Team work: work where the sum of the group can do more than any individual in it
  • Creative work: projects, art, music etc.
Obviously how challenging the work is depends on the age and level of the group.

Then we focused on making course books more game-like with the following running dication:

Games have three stages. 
First you learn how to play the game: you learn the rules and the limits of what you can and cannot do.
Secondly, you start to experiment with the rules.  You try to find loopholes and strategies to maximize your chances of winning.
Third, you can now begin to work toward the goal of winning.

Course books should be taught with the same three stages.
First the students do the exercises to practice the target language.
Then they create their own similar exercises for each other.  Creating multiple choice and gap-fill tasks is difficult and helps them see the limits of the language.
Finally they should have a communicative task with a clear goal that will be shared with others.  Can you think of any examples?
In other words, course books need added participation and added goals.  No coursebook writer will build that in for you; this is how you develop your own style as a teacher.

Play the game: teach.

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