miércoles, 29 de abril de 2015

Quest of a slave woman

 A game for two players using the texts from http://spartacus-educational.com/USAslavery.htm as non-player characters.

You are an escaped slave.  You have a bounty hunter trying to find you. 
Roll the dice with the bounty hunter; if you get the same number, he will catch you and drag you back to the plantation where you will be punished.  If this happens twice, the second time you will be executed.  If you roll different numbers, pick up the next card and continue.
You are a bounty hunter.  You are chasing an escaped slave. 
Roll the dice with the slave; if you get the same number, you can catch her and drag her back to the plantation where she will be punished.   If this happens twice, the second time she will be executed.   If you roll different numbers, pick up the next card and continue.
You have two goals:
Your first goal is to find out what happened to your four children who were sold from you about 10 years ago.  You need to find them before the bounty hunter does.
Your second goal is to take notes for an autobiography you want to write to expose the injustice and cruelty of the slave system.  Start by describing your life as a house slave.  Post it.
Note: Be aware that the bounty hunter might read what you write: it’s important to tell the truth but you might want to change some details to throw him off.   Also, you do not have time to write very much, maximum 100 words per note.
You have two goals:
Your first goal is to capture the slave, but ideally you also want to capture her children whom you know were sold away at auction about 10 years ago.  You need to find them before the slave does.
Your second goal is to keep notes of what you find out for the investors who are supporting you. 
Start by explaining the laws that allow you to catch runaway slaves.  Post it.
Note: Be aware that the slave might read what you write: it’s important to tell the truth but you might want to change some details to throw her off.   Also, you do not have time to write very much, maximum 100 words per note.
You think one of your daughters may have died as a field slave.
Ask Mary Prince OR Henry Box Brown how your daughter may have died.  Take notes and post them.
Roll the dice and if you are not captured you may continue to search for your other three children.
You think one of her daughters may have died as a field slave.
Ask Moses Grandy OR Elizabeth Keckley how she might have died.  Take notes and post them.
Roll the dice and if you do not capture the slave you may continue to search for her other three children.
You’ve heard of the Underground Railroad.  You aren’t quite sure what it is, but you have information that one of your sons may have escaped north that way.  
Ask Harriet Tubman OR Sojourner Truth what she knows about the Underground Railroad.  Take notes and post them.
Roll the dice and if you are not captured you may continue to search for your other two children.
You’ve heard of the Underground Railroad.  You aren’t quite sure what it is, but you have information that one of the slave’s sons may have escaped north that way.  
Ask Harriet Tubman OR Sojourner Truth what she knows about the Underground Railroad.  Take notes and post them.
Roll the dice and if you do not capture the slave you may continue to search for her other two children.
Some slaves revolted.  You think one of your sons may have participated in one. 
Ask Nat Turner about his rebellion.  Take notes and post them.
Roll the dice and if you are not captured you may continue to search for your last child.
Some slaves revolted.  You think one of her sons may have participated in one.
Ask John Brown about his rebellion.  Take notes and post them.
Roll the dice and if you do not capture the slave you may continue to search for her last child.
You know that your youngest daughter has been working with both abolitionists and feminists.
Ask Angelina Grimke OR  Harriet Beecher Stowe about the suffrage movement.  Take notes and post them.
Roll the dice and if you are not captured you may continue and check your answers.
You know that your youngest daughter has been working with both abolitionists and feminists.
Ask Henry David Thoreau OR Lucretia Mott their opinion of slavery.  Take notes and post them.
Roll the dice and if you do not capture the slave you may continue and check your answers.
Your first daughter probably died from a whipping.
The second child, your son, probably escaped along with hundreds of others along the Underground Railway to the North and to freedom.
Your third son was probably executed after participating in a rebellion.
Your youngest daughter is probably alive and working for pay in the household of one of the suffragettes.
You have lost two children, but your two living children are safe and cannot be captured by the bounty hunter.
Roll the dice one last time.  If you escape you may go free.
Her first daughter probably died from a whipping.
The second child, her son, probably escaped along with hundreds of others along the Underground Railway to the North and to freedom.
Her third son was probably executed after participating in a rebellion.
Her youngest daughter is probably alive and working for pay in the household of one of the suffragettes.
You cannot capture any of the slave’s children and your investors have pulled out.  Roll the dice one last time.  If you do not capture her, leave her alone and pursue someone else. 


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