viernes, 8 de mayo de 2015

Kids, courting

Read Kids, Courting, an article by Joe Fiorito in his collection entitled, "Tango on the Main".  This is a girl who is trying very hard to be rebellious and is almost succeeding.  She's 15 and has already been arrested for theft.  She smokes and scrawls swear words on her backpack.  She uses stolen dye to color her hair blond and purple and her roots are an inch long. The story opens on her flirting in a subway car with a couple of teenage boys who are wowed by her attitude.
Contrast this with the heartbreaking fictional stories written by my students about homeless children. 

The game:
A silent dialogue on a piece of paper passed back and forth between a homeless child and the girl in the story.  The child needs to convince the girl to go straight.  She probably won't.

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