martes, 3 de junio de 2014

Choices: how to ask questions

There are lots of ways to give students listening or reading questions. 

The easiest and fastest is just to give them as a handout.  However, there's not really much extra learning going on there.

Many teachers write the questions on the board.  The danger is that takes too much time and you lose the students.  Copying is also a waste of time, unless you're teaching small children how to write.

Another way is to read the questions out loud for the stduents to answer.  The problem there is that the fast ones have to wait for the slow ones.

My favorite is to dictate the questions.  It's excellent for listening practice, and all students go at more or less the same speed.  They can check with each other and with you to make sure they've written them correctly, then they can go ahead and answer them.

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