viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

Me vs Me: a challenge

I really enjoy lesson planning.

There, I said it.

I enjoy lesson planning the way some people enjoy cooking or writing novels or making music.  It relaxes me.  It energises me.  My lessons are the very essence of ME.

So, to feed that, I'm going to set myself a little challenge.  This semester, I promised my students more demo lessons for them to analyse.  But this time, I'm going to ask them to give me a topic, language point or subskill, a level or age and a method or a trend.  Then I'll prepare a short demo lesson for the following week.

You know what's even more fun?  I can even make bad lessons and just call it an analytical learning experience for them!

lunes, 18 de agosto de 2014

Human rights games re-thought

In order to inspire my students to take an interest in the human-rights games project, my idea is to turn it into a game itself.  I will show the students all of the games I have.  They may then use one of my games as is, adapt it or design something else entirely.  They will then have to insure that it is  throughly play-tested and make sure the materials are aesthetic and well-designed.  On the day/days where we play our games with visitors, the visitors will be asked to rate the games they play in terms of effectiveness as a learning tool as well as in terms of fun.  Whoever gets the highest rating gets the full 10 points, the second place winner gets 9, third, 8,  and the rest get 7 (the passing grade).