jueves, 13 de febrero de 2014

arguments with myself

Yesterday I posted a bit of a rant against percentage based grades.  Here's more about how that came about.

Student: Please raise my grade, Teacher.

Me: No, that would be unethical.

(Exit Student in disgust)

Me: That was very admirable of me to stick to my ethics and not raise Student's grade.

Me: Yes, I must be a wonderful teacher. Just one question, me. Why couldn't I raise his grade?

Me: Look at his test! He lost points here, here and here.

Me: I see. But why did I take off those points?

Me: Because he made mistakes.

Me: Yes, but why is this mistake worth 2 points and that one worth 0.5 points?

Me: Because this concept is 4 times as important as that one!

Me: Really? Why?

Me: I don't know. Look, I need to give a grade to Student and this is the best way I can think of to get one.

Me: Other than the fact that the system requires it, why does Student need a grade?

Me: To prove how much he knows, silly!

Me: So you think this test proves without a doubt that Student knows exactly 76% of the material?

Me: Well, I don't know...

Me: And that, assuming he does know precisely 76% of the material, it's ok to pass him knowing that he's missing 24%?


Me: Ok. Can I buy me a cup of coffee?

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