miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2014

How do you use class time?

One of the simplest ways to teach something is to explain it, but one of the hardest ways to learn something is to have it explained to you.


Teacher: I have to cover the material in a given period of time.  I don't have time for fancy games and activities.

Who exactly has to "cover" the material?  You or the students? 
If you said the students, you're right! 

Teacher: But students have this nasty habit of not being able to learn everything we want them to learn.

Right.  So we have to prioritize.  What do they REALLY have to learn?  And what is the fastest way to get them to learn it?

Maybe they could
  • read the material themselves
  • try an experiment to learn the material
  • have a classmate explain it to them
  • go online and watch a tutorial
Teacher: That's less work for me!


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