viernes, 11 de abril de 2014

Autonomy vs "tough love"

I teach at a university.  I tell my students they have a deadline , so for example now it's April 11 and they have until May 12 to complete all of the assigments (why May 12th?  It's the deadline set by the university).  A lot of the teachers are trying to do that, but last time alot of the students didn't complete everything by deadline, so they figure it's kinder to put lots of shorter deadlines.

Their argument: It's cruel not to help.  At the very least, we should be on top of them and show concern if they appear to be wasting their time.

My argument: What gives us the right to decide how to "help"?  Or to say who is "wasting" their time.  (Clearly the definition of "wasting time" is not using your time they way I think you should.)The students could do what most adults do which is to calendar in mini-deadlines for themselves.  Or not.  Shouldn't that be up to them?  We should obviously check in with them to see if they need help with anything, because that's our job as teacher, but does that have to include checking to see if they're doing what we think they should be doing?

Who's right?  and Why?

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