lunes, 28 de abril de 2014

Lesson plan: descriptive essay writing

In the following essay, the students learn to write essays describing people. There are many ways to do this of course, and all include both a physical as well as a character description. However, the character description can be quite creative. One idea is to "show, don’t tell", i.e: instead of writing "She is generous", the writer could give an example such as "She always keeps an extra orange in her purse to give to street children". Another, as we will see in this example, could be to describe the person as other people see them, followed by a description of how they really are.

A) Look up Ritalin on Wikipedia. What is it used for? What are some of the risks and side effects? Would you accept such a medication being given to your own children?

B) Watch the following video about children on Ritalin and answer the following questions:

Why do they take Ritalin?

What happens if they don’t take it?

How do they feel when they are on Ritalin?

How do they feel when they aren’t on Ritalin?

In your journal, comment on the video.

When they aren’t on Ritalin they say they "take in so much more information, that life’s so much greater and more interesting"
C) Before watching the video again, write a short physical description of each of the boys in the video, including the way they sit, talk etc. Compare it with your partner. Then watch the video again to check. Add any missing details to your final draft.

D) Write a description of how the boys feel when they are on Ritalin, then when they are off it. You may write your description from either their own point of view or from their teachers’ point of view. Read your classmates descriptions: who wrote from the boys’ viewpoint and who wrote from the teachers’. What are the similarities and differences?

E) Now write a complete descriptive essay about yourself from your teacher’s point of view. Include a paragraph on your physical appearance (including the way you sit, talk etc.) and one on your character (including your behavior). Give your essay to your teacher. Does she agree with it? Do you agree with this way of seeing yourself? In your journal, explain any differences between the way you perceive yourself and the way your teacher perceives you. You can share it with your teacher if you like.


A) The students may have to look up ADHD or ADD as well because Ritalin is a drug taken to manage these conditions. They may want to look at medical websites such as or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is characterized by "ADHD includes some combination of problems, such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior." (

B) They take Ritalin because they’ve been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD.
If they don’t take it they say they feel more "like themselves" but their teachers refuse to let them into class because they say they will disturb the other students.

When the boys are on Ritalin they feel like "it focuses everything to such a fine point nothing’s fun anymore and you’re not the same person that you were."

C) It would be interesting to note what sort of vocabulary comes up during this task. You could then review it over the next few classes as a warmer by describing a physical description and having them position their bodies accordingly. This could also be done in pairs.

D) The weaker students may choose to write from the boys’ point of view because that’s easier since it’s what they heard, so perhaps the teacher could encourage stronger students to write from the boys’ teachers’ perspectives.

E) Seeing oneself from someone else’s perspective is a form of self-awareness and one of the things that distinguishes humans from animals (as far as we know, animals do not have self-awareness). Not everyone can do this accurately. By the same token, many people wrongly imagine how they are seen by others. This is an essential trait no matter what career you pursue. At school, for example, the best teachers demonstrate an awareness of how they are seen by the students. Ask the students to consider how understanding how others perceive you can be useful in other careers too.

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