miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2014

Games for grammar review


Have students work individually.  For each structure write the name of structure on one card and three cards with examples (with the structure underlined).  Repeat this for all of the structures you need to review.


Game 1: Memory: 18 structure cards + 18 example cards

Instructions: place all cards face down.  Take turns to flip over two cards.  If they match (structure-example) the player keeps the pair and continues.  The player with the most cards wins.

Game 2: Gin: only example cards

Instructions:  Start by dealing 5 cards to each player. Place the rest of the cards face down on the table.  On each turn a player may discard one card and pick another up from the pile.  The winner is the first player to get 5 examples of the same structure

Game 3: Card game: only structure cards + books

The deck is face down on the desk.  Turn the card over.  The first player to find an example of the structure in a book keeps the card.  The winner is the player with the most cards at the end.  

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