lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2014

Play tested: AR addiction

"You have a secret addiction that nobody at this university knows about, but you can't keep this secret much longer.  Maybe your teacher can help you.   Write a journal to her telling her what you're addicted to, how it feels and how you've managed to keep it secret. "

This was the secret message each students received on a folded piece of paper as they entered class today.
The creativity of the responses was astounding.  We had people addicted to shopping, cocaine, pain, sex... You name it!  We spent the better part of an hour reading and answering each journal with questions to lead each story in new directions.  The idea is to get the students to understand that if you're addicted to something, it's because it feels good but the consequences are bad.  The idea is to counter the message that drugs are bad.  They aren't: they can make you feel wonderful...until they don't, and THAT is the danger.

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