miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014

The most challenging issue

TeachThoughts's blogging question for today is "what do you think is the most challenging issue in education today?"

Sounds like a simple enough question...but it ain't.

First there's the in-and-out of education:
1.  How can we improve the way the information goes in?  Clearly the I-talk-you-shut-up method isn't working so well.  We need to look for alternate methods: multiple intelligences, project-based learning, game-based learning etc. 
2. How can we improve the way we measure what comes out?  Pencil-and-paper standardized tests can really only go so far in telling us what we really need to know about what our kids are learning.

Then of course there's the curriculum itself:
1. How did the stuff on the curriculum get on there?  Who decided?  On what basis?
2. What else could, or should, be on there?  What could, or should, be removed? 

The fact is when my grandmother sent my mother to school, she could guess pretty much what future her daughter would have.  When my mother sent me to school, she could pretty much guess what future I would have.  But what does the future hold for my daughter?  What skills will she need in a world where she will have the sum total of the world's information at her fingertips?

How the hell do we design for a future that is so radically different from our past? 

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