martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014

Poker as a metaphor for our education system

Poker rules do not specify that you have to bluff...but you can't play poker if you don't bluff.

What about school?  Teachers complain endlessly about cheating, copying, plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty, but don't we ask for it by the very nature of the system?

Think about it: you're a student, you've got unreasonable amounts of work for all of your different classes.  Something's gotta give.  In the best case scenario, you plagiarise a little on one assignment so you can devote more time and effort to another.  In the worst case scenario, you simply have so little respect for your teacher for handing you such a dumb-ass assignment in the first place that you plagiarise to show your contempt.  Or, you genuinely don't understand the material and the time given simply isn't enough for you to master it, so you plagiarise just to get the grade you need to pass.

The only question is...will the teacher call your bluff?

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