lunes, 7 de julio de 2014

Game: "Factory line"

This could be an interesting twist on filling in workbooks, especially at the beginning of term in EFL class. 

The students are tasked with completing as many workbook exercises as possible in a given amount of time, maybe with a prize for whoever gets the most points.  Some students will act as "supervisors" and walk around with the answer book (make copies if necessary) checking on their classmates and giving 1 point for each correct answer. 

However, the secondary task will be for the students to get to know their classmates by means of secret notes.

If the "supervisors" catch any "students" passing notes, they deduct 5 points from each of the offenders.  They can also deduct 10 points from the slowest or least productive "student" in their area as measured in 5 minute increments.

However, at the end of the game, whoever has passed/received the most notes (on separate small strips of cut-up scrap paper) gets a bonus of 100 points.

The idea here is to mimic part of the experience of working in a factory, sweatshop or maquilladora where workers are pressured to do as much as possible as perfectly as possible, while striving to make human contact with the workers around them. 

What I like about this game is that winning and losing are not directly tied to academic ability since, in the end it's the student who manages to make the most personal contact who wins.

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