lunes, 7 de julio de 2014

Game: "the girl effect"

There is a brilliant video called "The Girl Effect: the Clock is Ticking" ( which shows how easily a girl's life can spiral out of her control (poverty, lack of education, prostitution, HIV), and how, just as easily, she can regain control (school, earn money, raise a healthy family) given the right help. 

This game isn't entirely fleshed out yet, but the idea is to have a board where one side spirals up and the other side spirals down.  Along each spiral are life events: the positive ones (ex: school, earn money, raising healthy daughters) are written sequentially on the upward spiral and the negative ones (ex: poverty, lack of education, prostitution, HIV) are written on the squares on the downward spiral.

The players start in the middle and take turns to roll a dice to see how many squares they move.  As they roll the dice, they also flip a coin: heads means they go up, tails means down.  The winner is whoever reaches one of the ends first.

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