lunes, 14 de julio de 2014

Israel vs Gaza

This is not going to be a political entry, but my mom is in in a bomb shelter in southern Israel right now and it occurs to me that this particular round of fighting started with children.  For the sake of convenience, we can start with the incident a few weeks ago when three Israeli teenagers were kidnapped and killed.  In retaliation, a Palestinian teenager was burned to death.  Obviously it didn't begin there and everyone has different versions of where it did...but the point is disturbing: a child for a child.  Soldiers are not fighting equals in this scenario, rather the revenge is taken on the offspring of the enemy.

There are hundreds of war games out there, but they're all about matched armies, or at least matched opponents in skills (ex: warriors vs monsters or aliens).  None that I know of really simulate this feeling that "You hurt my child, so I'll hurt yours" and so on in a kind of permanent zig zag that continues down through the genrations. 

Yet this is important to any understanding of any real war.  World War II, for instance, didn't just happen out of the blue; a lot of it was started in direct response to the horrors of World War I.  From Hitler to Israel to Gaza isn't much of a jump whichever way you look at it. 

How can we create a game that helps us understand the generational aspects of war?

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