martes, 22 de julio de 2014

The ultimate game: travel

While re-reading McGonigal's book, "Reality is Broken", yet again, I came upon the part where she talks about the game "Portal" which essentially twists the essence of gaming around: instead of being given the rules, the game itself is about trying to figure them out.  Now, of course, there are loads more games in this genre, but it suddenly hit me: THIS is what I've always loved about being in foreign countries!  Everything is a mystery to solve.  Talking with people when you don't speak the language and even the physical gestures seem alien, leaping over cultural barriers to get the simplest chores done... even reading menus or street signs is a challenge; especially for someone like me who reads voraciously in her own language, to be unable to read is the biggest challenge of all. 

The whole magic of travel is that no matter how much you prepare yourself, you will never be prepared enough.  That is the ultimate challenge!

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