jueves, 16 de enero de 2014

Game: Pronunciation Poker

I was feeding my baby at 3:20am in my usual zombie state, when suddenly my brain said, "Morphology poker."
I said, "What?"
My brain said "I don't know."  Then it went back to sleep.

I've been trying to come up with games for teaching morphology which is the study of how words are put together.  Rather than opening that particular can of worms on this blog (though please ask if you do want it opened!), I thought I'd put a modifed version here called Pronunciation Poker.

To begin with, those of you who may not be familiar with basic poker rules, follow this link: http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~gc00/reviews/pokerrules  Then come back here.

Now imagine, or should I say re-imagine a deck of playing cards.  Imagine each of the four suits is a word stress pattern, for example:
  • hearts: two syllables, stress on the first (ex: orange)
  • spades: two syllables, stress on the second (ex: hotel)
  • clubs: three syllables, stress on the first (ex: pineapple)
  • diamonds: three syllables, stress on the second (ex: banana)
Each card from 2-9 would have a word on it with the stress pattern corresponding to the suit.
10s are wild.
Jacks: all four suits would have a one syllable word with the /I/ sound (ex: sit)
Queens:  all four suits would have a one syllable word with the /i/ sound (ex: seat)
Kings: all four suits would have a one syllable word with the /e/ sound (ex: set)
Aces: all four suits would have a one syllable word with the /a/ sound (ex: sat)

You can have the rules above written somewhere where players can see them.  If necessary have the rules of poker handy too.

Ante up!

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