jueves, 30 de enero de 2014

Poems and songs: the fundamentals

If pictures create words in your mind, then words create pictures in your mind.  The difference between poetry and prose is that when we use prose (that is, plain spoken or written language) we attempt to put a complete picture in someone else's head, whereas poetry puts only the most emotionally impacting part of a picture in your head.

Example of prose:
I have a white dog.  She's of husky descent, big with straight ears, a bushy tail and blue eyes. 
You will never have exactly the same image when you read these words as I have when writing them, but it's close enough.

Example of poetry:
My love is like a red, red rose that's newly sprung in June. - Robert Burns
This gives you an image of love in your mind, but it's up to you to interpret it. 

Two weeks in a Virginia jail
For my lover
For my lover - Tracy Chapman
This gives you a different image of love.  Do you think it's uglier one or a sweeter one?  Why?

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