viernes, 24 de enero de 2014

you can't be motivated without...

Autonomy, competence and relatedness.  Researchers Edward Deci and Richard Ryan say that without these three elements, instrinsic mototivation cannot exist.

If you don't feel you have autonomy, that is choice in what you do, if you feel like you're being obliged to do something by someone else and that you basically have no say in the matter,
you're not going to enjoy it much.

If you don't feel competence, if you feel like you're no good at something no matter how hard you try, you're not going to enjoy it much.

If you don't feel relatedness, if you feel like nobody cares about the work you do, if you write lovely story that only the teacher will read and only so she can cooretc the grammar,
you're not going to enjoy it much.

Put this way, school isn't something that's designed for enjoyment.  That's sad.

Let's try to give students more choice and control so that they feel autonomy.
Let's try to grade students differently so they can feel competence.
Let's try to find a use for students' work after it's been graded so they can feel relatedness.
Then they might enjoy school more.

Let's find ways to do this.  Any ideas?

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