jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014

"A day where learning and assessment are the same thing!"

"If a learning system is well designed, you don’t finish it without the guarantee that you’ve learned it already. (…)  We could imagine a day where learning and assessment are the same thing, that is we build such rich learning systems they already assess themselves."  James Gee

How do you know when you've learned something, when you've really understood something?  Most people would say it's when you can answer questions about it.

...but what if the definition of learning isn't so much that you can answer questions but that you can ask questions? 

What if, instead of having students answer questions on a test, the test would be that they get to ask questions about the subject...and keep on asking more and better questions?

Learning is no longer about possessing knowledge, but about expanding it.  If students can take what they learn and run with it, then that's how the world will grow. 

So why do teachers still feel like we have to be the be all and end all of a student's education?

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