lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014

Ethics in research

For my course on Research Methods at the University of London, my classmates and I were asked to observe an online community and explore the question of identity considering the following questions:

1. A basic description of the environment you were looking at - what content does the environment contain and what sort of activities go on within it?
2. What types of data would you be able to generate through online observation of this site and what limitations would you face if you were solely using this form of data collection in this setting?
3. What other data collection techniques might be employed to explore the concept of identity within your selected site? What are the potential advantages/ disadvantages of these techniques?
4. What particular methodological and ethical challenges/ questions does the empirical setting that you have selected raise?

Today I asked my students to consider the ethical implications of studying them in our Facebook group.  Most of the answers involved two issues:

Invasion of privacy:
They all seemed very upset at the idea that I would be able, as their FB "friends" to see their more personal posts.  This is valid, but my argument was that they accepted that risk by becoming "friends" with them.  (On the other hand, I didn't give them much choice, did I!)
Furthermore, this makes for a very interesting side lesson on internet safety: if I, their teacher can see their posts, so can and for all time!

As their English teacher, I should focus only on their use of English.  One student gave the following example: if I ask them to post a link to a song with a summary and I dislike the singer they chose, that shouldn't influence their grade in any way. 
However, what if I ask them to write a story and one student chooses to write a story about something I intensely disapprove of such as rape?  How far should I allow my personal feelings about the topic to influence how I mark the student?  I am human, after all.  Furthermore, do I not have a duty as a teacher to give my opinion?

Thanks Advanced II for your insightful thoughts!  You're wonderful!

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