viernes, 7 de marzo de 2014

Why homeschool?

Whenever I tell people I want to homeschool my daughter, they look at me like...well, like I'm out of my mind. 
"Why do you want to homeschool her?"  loosely translated seems to mean "There are places where they'll educate your daughter FOR you, so why take this on?"
Well, today I came up with the simplest answer.

"I don't want my daughter to have to raise her hand to ask permission to go to the bathroom.  Ever."

This is a huge statement because it sums up the whole idea that adults seem to have about controlling what children do, when they do it, what they learn, how long it should take them...and then blame the children when we realise that's impossible! 

Part of my job is to help aspiring teachers write their graduation thesis, and a lot of them want to prove that this or that intervention will help their students learn.  That's admirable and I support that wholeheartedly.  The problem I have is with the test-experiment-test system whereby they attempt to prove that because of the intervention the students have learned... and that just isn't how learning happens.  Teachers can open doors for students, or to use another metaphor, help them with the wiring, but no-one can actually turn the light on for someone else.  That has to happen in its own way in its own time.
Just like going to the bathroom.

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