martes, 20 de mayo de 2014

Decision time: should students draw in EFL class?

Drawing in EFL class:
  • Students may not draw very well
  • Students may take too much time to draw
  • Students may focus too much on artistic quality
  • Students may be better able to demonstrate comprehension through drawing than through language
  • Drawing develops right-hemisphere thinking
  • Drawing allows for more language in EFL class precisely when the drawings are ambiguous
There are several ways of using drawing: one is as a stimulus for a speaking task, so, for example if they have 30 seconds to draw what they did over the weekend, the others have to try to interpret the drawing.  Another is to demonstrate comprehension of a reading or a listening, where they may draw, for example, the main parts of a story.  A third is as a way to present work in an asthetically pleasing manner.  The trick is to inform students of the purpose of the drawing and to assign the right amount of time.  For example, if the aim is artistic quality, they will be allowed more time and materials than if it is a simple comprehension task.

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