miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2014

The importance of "flow"

Csíkszentmihályi came up with the concept of "flow", which wikipedia defines as "characterized by complete absorption in what one does".  Most of us get into flow on a regular basis, some by running, or playing sports, others by reading, cleaning the house, gaming, or whatever else gets us into "the zone"  where we're totally absorbed by what we're doing. 

We can even get into flow when we're doing things we don't particularly find interesting.  I can get into flow writing syllabi or grading, although it's harder.  Usually I get myself in flow by playing music I like and giving myself plenty of time.  Studies show that the most successful students are those who are most often in flow when they do their school work or homework...and this doesn't seemt o have anything to do with how much they like the subject itself.

Flow is so important, that in studies Csíkszentmihályi conducted where he asked people to avoid getting into flow, the subjects ended up with symptoms similar to serious depression...after only three days!

One of my complaints about the school system is that kids are so ruled by the bell that it's hard for them to get into flow.  It takes time to get focussed and really begin to get into a task, and this drives teachers nuts ("Come on, you have to write three paragraphs and you haven't even started!").  But then the irony is that they do get started and are just beginning to get into it...and the bell rings.   "Sorry, you didn't start when I told you to, and now it's time to put it away."

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