martes, 13 de mayo de 2014


How do you take notes?
  • whatever the teacher repeats more than once?
  • whatever the teacher tells you to write down?
  • whatever you think sounds important?
  • just theory or just examples?
Note-taking is an art.  Good students seem to know how almost instinctively, but students who can't master it will never be able to do well in lecture-based classes (or, as they call them here, "clases magistrales"). 

How can we teach students to take good notes?
One way is to help them do it in our own clases: by repeating key points, speaking s l o w e r or LOUDER when we say something important.  But not all teachers do that, so we need to give them "tricks of the trade", such as learning to write key words (usually nouns) rather than entire sentences, or using different colors, arrows, signs or drawings to note down ideas. 

1 comentario:

  1. Note Taking
    When I was a child my dad used to give us a text to read or he would read something himself from which we had to write one single sentence and then asked us why it was important to us, he never said rigth or wrong and then he would read it again so we get another idea then he made us compare the first one and the second one and made us tell him why those were important to us. It helped me a lot at school since none of my teachers would dictate anything, How I used to come up with the answers -or main ideas- was by leaving examples aside and focusing on the information. It helped me recognize what the most important information was.
