lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014

Real-time research conclusion

Today, my students presented their real-time-research. 
The task was:
  • Make the presentation no more than 3-5 minutes long.
  • Present in any way you want EXCEPT powerpoint.  (They used posters, videos, powtoon and comics...really creative!)
  • Include all of the information you got from the interviews or surveys
  • Include some of the information you got from your readings and videos
The other group listened to as many presentatiosn as time permitted and for each they had to answer the following questions:
1. What were the 3 most interesting/important points of the presentation?
2.  What did you think of the presentation style?
3.  Can you suggest further avenues of research?

They gave their answers to the presenters who then had to compile them and answer the following questions:
1. How well did your audience understand your presentation?
2. How was your presentation?  Would you have changed anything?
3. What avenues of further research did they suggest?

All in all a solid hour of excellent speaking practice.  I saw spectacular creativity and (last-minute) collaboration!  Congratulations!

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